The Allison in Wonderland Team

Allison Frye
Podcast Host & Creator

To sum up, a biography that could fill up a novel (in the works), I am Allison Frye. I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. I moved to the Greater Atlanta area to give my kids additional educational opportunities. 

Now that my kids are grown, we have recently moved to a farm in the mountains of Kentucky. Basically, you drive to the middle of nowhere, go another hour, and there we are!

While I could sit and list the accomplishments I have achieved in my twenty-year marketing career & fifteen years of mental health advocacy, I have reached a point where explaining “who I am” seems more important than “what I have done.” 

My personality type is: ENFJ-A

  • Extraverted
  • Intuitive
  • Feeling
  • Judging
  • Assertive

The Geek-Girl in me also loves to share that I am a Hufflepuff:

  • Loyal
  • Hard-working
  • Patience
  • Fairness
  • Just
  • Modesty

While the Allison in Wonderland Podcast is a true passion project of the host, Allison Frye, the organizations and guests that have joined in are really the ones that have made this all possible! 

The Emotional Support Team


Follows while leaping and hopping. Swears he isn't the evil twin.


Tribe Elder & Alpha. Excels at mimicking human emotions. Swears he isn't the evil twin.


Expert at Being Calm and Taking Naps


Understands Anxiety From a Firsthand Point of View


Chaos Creator